Best FAQ Tools for SaaS: We Tried 20+ Tools to Pick the 10 Best Options

Shreelekha Singh
November 20, 2023
This is some text inside of a div block.

What comes to mind when you think of a seamless user experience

You'll probably say things like intuitive interface, user-friendly copy, fast loading times, and responsive design. 

While all these factors influence the in-app experience, there’s something more that can make or break your overall user experience. It’s self-serve support

When 88% of customers expect brands to have an online self-service portal, building an FAQ center is table-stakes for SaaS brands. But creating an engaging help center can be overwhelming without a good FAQ software.

We did the legwork on your behalf to find and review the 10 best FAQ tools for SaaS. 

  1. Floik 
  2. Stonly
  3. Slab 
  4. Nuclino
  5. Mintlify
  6. Zendesk
  7. Groove HQ
  8. Help Scout
  9. Wix Answers
  10. Document360

8 crucial factors to look for in a customer service FAQ software

While reviewing all these help desk software, we tested each tool against this checklist of parameters to find its strengths and weaknesses. 

⚒️ Setup

A good FAQ software is easy to set up and requires a minimal learning curve. Whether you’re working individually, in a small team, or with a large group, you should be able to hit the ground running at the earliest without spending hours setting up your help desk software.

🧗🏻‍♀️ Scalability

Another crucial factor to consider is how scalable your FAQ solution is. Is this tool built for handling hundreds of FAQs, categorization, quick editing, and distribution? You also have to consider the ease of updating content every time your product evolves.

🎨 Customization options

Creating FAQs shouldn’t take an eternity. A good tool simplifies the content creation process and makes it easy to edit the content quickly. It saves you the time and struggle to create a polished output for end-users. 

📱 Responsiveness

You can’t control where or how your users will browse the FAQ center. Any knowledge base tool of your choice should support responsive designs for all the content to make it easily accessible across different devices.

🤝🏻 Ease of integration

Your FAQ software should easily integrate with your customer success platform, CRM, analytics tools, etc. You’ll need these integrations to effectively track the performance of your product how-tos and optimize or create new user documentation based on this data. 

🎎 Multilingual support

If you have a global user base, the ability to create content in multiple languages is a must. Meet users where they are by making customer service videos and docs in their own language. 

🗒️ Feedback mechanism

User feedback is the best way to get a pulse of your users and enhance your FAQs directly aligned with their expectations. Your knowledge base tool should allow you to collect both qualitative and quantitative feedback to get a concrete understanding of the user experience. 

📊 Analytics and reporting

Another critical factor to consider is the data you get on FAQ performance. You should be able to track how many users have viewed a document, the completion rate, when was a document last viewed, etc. 

Our top 10 picks for the best FAQ tools for SaaS 

Here are the 10 best FAQ tools to consider if you’re building a knowledge base for your SaaS. We’ve listed the key features and missing elements for all tools based on our first-hand experience of using each tool.

1. Floik: Best for creating and curating interactive FAQs 

G2 rating: 4.9/5 stars (15+ reviews)

Floik is a versatile platform for creating interactive product showcases. You can create step-by-step guides, explainer videos, and self-serve demos to document the most frequently asked questions about your product.

A huge edge for Floik over other tools is its ease of use. You can sign up and get started with a simple Chrome extension to create your first showcase—no learning curve, straight to work! 

Whether you’re creating a video, a guide, or a demo, you can customize each Flo differently. Here are a few things you can do to edit your FAQs in Floik:

  • Trim or crop your video 
  • Auto-generate subtitles
  • Reposition mouse clicks 
  • Add or hide any hotspots
  • Add custom CTAs anywhere
  • Zoom into any part of the screen

On top of a seamless no-code editor, Floik also makes it easy to organize FAQs into different folders. You can also tag-team with other members in your team to create this documentation collaboratively. 

Key features

  • Multilingual voiceover: Answer FAQs for users across the globe by generating a voiceover in 20+ languages. This is perfect for creating tutorial videos and clickable demos with verbal instructions.

  • Real-time analytics: Track how users are responding to your FAQs with real-time analytics. You can see the total number of views on a Flo, when was it last viewed, and the number of times users clicked on the CTA.
  • Ease of distribution: Once you’re happy with the output, it’s super easy to share it with relevant people. You can simply copy a shareable URL to send over Slack or via email. Or, you can copy a smart embed code to post it on your website or anywhere else. 

You can also curate multiple Flos in a single folder and share this entire folder with anyone. Viewers will be able to see all the FAQs listed on a landing page and they can choose to see whatever they need help with.

  • Collect qualitative feedback: Your customers can share specific feedback by leaving comments anywhere in a video or guide. They can just share their question/comment and email without the hassle of signing up on Floik.

What’s missing

Floik is purpose-built for creating interactive showcases to let users actively interact with your product rather than passively consuming content. So, it’s not the ideal choice for creating text-first documentation. 


2. Stonly: Best for in-app FAQs based on decision trees

G2 rating: 4.8/5 stars (100+ reviews)

Stonly allows you to create interactive guides using decision trees. So, when end-users want to solve a specific problem, they can open a guide and choose an option that best meets their needs and they eventually reach the best solution for their issue.

You can also create guided tours with hotspots (just like Floik) to give users a more immersive troubleshooting experience. The tool also offers multi-language support to create content in different languages.

Key features

  • Create in-app guides: You can embed guides made with Stonly directly within your SaaS. The adaptive format of these guides blends well into your product interface to deliver on-demand self-service support.
  • Get granular insights: You’ll be able to see in-depth data on how users interact with your guides and tours. Stonly reports on the number of clicks and impressions for each step within your content.
  • No-code integrations: The tool integrates with help desk software like Zendesk, Freshdesk, etc., without a sweat. You don’t need any code to connect this platform with other tools.

What’s missing

Stonly doesn’t let you create detailed articles explaining a concept or solution. You have to mandatorily divide an FAQ into multiple paths with various steps. This can become confusing for end-users if they don’t know the best options to solve their issues.


3. Slab: Best for making internal knowledge bases 

G2 rating: 4.6/5 stars (250+ reviews)

Slab can simplify documentation, both internal and external, to make relevant information easily accessible. But it’s better suited for creating an internal wiki with all the FAQs about how your team functions, policies, protocols, SOPs, etc. 

This Notion alternative lets you create page-length documents and populate them with tables, kanban boards, lists, and more.

Key features

  • Unified Search: Slab brings you a powerful search functionality where it searches documents in your Slab workspace and all integrated tools to find the most relevant content. 
  • Categorize by topics: You can also organize knowledge base content effortlessly with tags and topics. Curate all relevant documents for a topic under one section and create sub-topics for branching it further.
  • Integrate easily: Slab also integrates effortlessly with a wide range of tools, including Slack, Google Workspace, Jira, Miro, Okta, Vimeo, Trello, and more.

What’s missing

While Slab integrates with several tools, it doesn’t let you embed any media from tools outside its integration library. Unlike Notion—where you can embed any content from other platforms, Slab limits its embed capability. 

What’s more, the tool requires a significant learning curve to get the most out of it for user documentation


4. Nuclino: Best for team documentation and collaboration

G2 rating: 4.7/5 stars (20+ reviews)

Nuclino is another Notion-like software for creating FAQs. You can use this platform to create textual documentation and collaborate with your team to effectively manage all FAQ content. 

You can create FAQs in different formats or views, like boards, lists, tables, and graphs. It’s also easy to embed files or media assets from other platforms.

Key features

  • AI-powered assistant: You can document and answer FAQs quickly with the help of AI. It’s designed to help you with brainstorming, summarizing, content creation, and more such tasks.
  • Quick search: Your team can find relevant documents on any topic with the quick search option. It’s also possible to filter your search with a few tags.
  • API integration: Teams who want to bring content from other platforms to Nuclino can access its API to natively upload documents to this app.

What’s missing

Nuclino feels lightweight when compared to tools like Notion because its interface isn’t as sophisticated. More importantly, it’s more suited for internal documentation and doesn’t make it easy to share FAQs with external users. 


5. Mintlify: Best for developer-friendly FAQ documentation

G2 rating: 5/5 stars (2 reviews)

Mintlify is a developer-first FAQ software that lives alongside your codebase. You can customize your documents and host them on a site with your custom domain. Mintlify also optimizes your docs for search engines (so does Floik!) and brings you real-time performance insights.

Key features

  • Sleek interface: Mintlify beautifies the boring, basic docs you’d have created on Gitbook or Docusaurus. You can add a layer of your branding and have a more appealing presentation for all FAQs.
  • Translate content: The tool also offers translation management capabilities to make your docs accessible to a wider audience.
  • ChatGPT responses: You can let ChatGPT do the heavy lifting to fast-track your documentation process and write answers based on your product.

What’s missing

Mintlify is ideal for API-first companies since it primarily focuses on developers. It also limits how your knowledge base looks to end users since you can’t customize the appearance with unique visuals.


6. Zendesk: Best for bigger teams creating a knowledge base

G2 rating: 4.3/5 stars (4700+ reviews)

Zendesk is a trusted customer support software and likely needs no introduction. You can create FAQ pages the same way as you create a blog—add your answers on a CMS with Content Blocks.

It’s also easy to create folders and categorize each answer under different topics. The tool will neatly design your knowledge base based on this information.

Key features

  • Content Cues: One of the biggest differentiators for Zendesk is its machine learning technology. Content Cues automatically identify gaps in your knowledge base, flag outdated articles, and show trending topics to cover based on user search behavior.
  • Team Publishing: Zendesk simplifies team collaboration with multiple options to create and manage content with your team. You can create workflows and assign responsibilities to different members for creating, reviewing, approving, and publishing content.
  • AI-powered chatbot: If you’re also using Zendesk’s ticketing system, the app will automatically extract relevant articles from your help center to answer user queries.

What’s missing

Zendesk is a feature-packed tool with so many capabilities, it’ll take you months to fully get up to speed. It’s also pricier than other tools and not built for small teams working on a budget. 


7. GrooveHQ: Best for an integrated self-service system

G2 rating: 4.6/5 stars (150+ reviews)

GrooveHQ is a help desk software designed to bring your knowledge base, live chat, and support tickets into a single platform. The tool lets you create responsive FAQ articles the same way as Zendesk. 

You can customize the look and feel of your FAQs, but it's limited to a few options available by default. The platform also gives you a custom domain to host all user documentation on the same domain. You can further optimize your docs for SEO.

Key features

  • Detailed reporting: GrooveHQ offers in-depth insights into your help center performance with metrics like average resolution time, session duration, open vs closed tickets, user reaction, etc.
  • Embeddable widget: You can embed a GrooveHQ widget anywhere on your website or within your SaaS to deliver just-in-time support.
  • Automated workflows: It’s easy to create automated workflows to streamline your self-serve support setup. You can define triggers to handle new customer queries via chat or email. 

What’s missing

GrooveHQ doesn’t give you complete control over your FAQ docs like other tools. The customization options are limited, and there’s no way to translate content into different languages. Collecting feedback also comes down to just a thumbs up or down reaction.


8. Help Scout: Best for embedding help docs anywhere

G2 rating: 4.4/5 stars (400+ reviews)

Help Scout is another help desk software for creating an FAQ site or embed your help docs on different channels. 

The no-code builder allows you to create, customize, and roll out your help center in minutes. You can also add a contact form for users to reach out via email if they can’t find relevant resources.

Key features

  • Custom CSS: While you get multiple options to enhance the look of your help center, you can go a step further by adding custom CSS code to improve the design.
  • Viewer controls: Help Scout lets you restrict viewers for any document. You can make docs public or authorize specific people to view them using the API.
  • Messaging tool: You can embed Beacon, Help Scout’s messaging app, to give users access to your FAQ pages on mobile devices. 

What’s missing

Like most knowledge base tools, Help Scout is limited by its customization options. The tool only lets you write text-heavy articles and embed videos from integrated tools. Besides, it doesn’t offer a strong feedback mechanism to capture qualitative user insights.


9. Coda: Best for creating flexible documentation collaboratively

G2 rating: 4.7/5 stars (400+ reviews)

Coda is another no-code FAQ software where you can create FAQs and keep users in the loop of new updates with product trackers. You can design dynamic docs and spreadsheets within Coda, then embed content from other tools or set up automated workflows to create a self-service setup

Key features

  • Consolidate multiple tools: A key differentiator for Coda is the ability to mimic and recreate the functionality of multiple tools into a single platform and avoid overhead expenses.
  • AI-powered workflows: Coda AI can summarize responses and help users or your team unlock information quickly. It can also create answers, suggest edits, and fine-tune your FAQs.
  • Smart publishing: You can design and publish an entire website with Coda or just create individual pages and embed + share them via links. 

What’s missing

Coda doesn’t offer detailed reporting options that are available in some other knowledge base tools. It’s also limited to English users and doesn’t support different languages. 


10. Document360: Best for building an AI-powered FAQ center

G2 rating: 4.7/5 stars (350+ reviews)

Document360 is a full-fledged knowledge base software. You can create a self-serve portal, design an FAQ site, or create an embeddable help widget. It’s easy to create content with a block editor, markdown editor, and rich-text editor. 

Key features

  • Versioning: Track all edits made to your help docs and stay on top of who’s making what change with an automatically derived version history.
  • Localization: Create content in 30+ languages to deliver support to a global user base. You can translate content from any language.
  • Advanced insights: Get deeper visibility into your content’s performance with metrics like total views, reads, reacts, etc. 

What’s missing

Setting up your Document360 account can take a while since it’s a feature-packed tool with so much to explore. Besides, it doesn’t give you an option to save and share content privately unless you opt for a business plan. 


Over to you: Design a user-friendly FAQ page for your product

That’s a wrap on our list of the top 10 FAQ tools for SaaS companies. If you want to build a more mainstream knowledge base, tools like Help Scout, Zendesk, and Document360 would be a good fit.

But if you want to create intuitive documents with your custom styles, then Mintlify, Nuclino, and Coda are worth checking out. 

Regardless of which tools you choose, you can answer product FAQs with interactive showcases using Floik and embed them anywhere! See for yourself—for free.