Make your product the star of the show

Floik helps you engage, educate, and delight users at every step with interactive product showcases.

Floik app home screen screenshot

Buying and adopting software is hard. We’re changing that.

Your buyers are drowning in choices. They spend days, even weeks, comparing all options before making a commitment. 

And the struggle doesn’t end there. Even after they buy a tool, they have to invest more time and resources to fully understand and adopt this solution. This whole process is months of tedious effort across the board. 

‍Make life easy for your buyers with Floik. ✨

One tool, infinite possibilities: Demos, videos, guides

We believe building great products is just the beginning. The magic really lies in creating delightful experiences for prospects to see your product’s value and for customers to keep coming back for more. 

But you’re probably thinking: there’s no magic formula for creating these exceptional experiences. With Floik, there is!

We purpose-built Floik as a one-stop-solution for SaaS teams to communicate their product’s capabilities and turn viewers

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Give a preview of your product with interactive demos.
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Help them navigate the interface with explainer videos.
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Introduce new features with interactive showcases.
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Offer 1:1 guidance and quick answers with videos.
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Deliver contextual support with how-to guides.

Our core values


Empathy in action

At the heart of our operations is a deep-rooted commitment to empathy. Whether it’s about our product or our team, we make decisions with a people-first approach.


Limitless curiosity

Innovation doesn't happen in a vacuum; it's fueled by a relentless curiosity and a willingness to explore new ideas. We welcome questions and consider every question as an opportunity for growth.


Collaborative autonomy

We believe that best results come from a balance of individual initiative and teamwork. So, we empower our team members to take complete ownership of their work while embracing the power of collaboration.


Customer-driven agility

Responsiveness is key to customer satisfaction. We eagerly engage with users to hear their thoughts and collect feedback. This enables us to adapt and evolve our product quickly to solve real pain points.

Meet our founders

Vidyasankar Krishnamurthy
Vartika Bansal