Create Product Explainer Videos Effortlessly with Floik

Vartika Bansal
May 26, 2023
This is some text inside of a div block.

Did you know that a whopping 73% of buyers prefer watching videos to understand a product or service? That makes one thing clear: if you're not creating video content, you're basically leaving money on the table!

But if you want to make a product demo or explainer video, here are your best options:

  • Use a screen recording tool not built for making slick product videos
  • Juggle between 3-5 tools to add and edit different elements in your final output
  • Create a bland screen recording and rely on (overbooked) video editors to spice up the output
  • Get frustrated and make it for just one hero feature instead of making bite-sized videos for everything you need

What if there was a faster and more hassle-free way of making video collateral for customer communication?

We sat down with the marketing teams and video editors working at top SaaS companies to understand their perspectives about this problem statement. We dug deeper into the behind-the-scenes workflows for creating video content and identified the biggest pain points.

With all this research, we developed an automation solution purpose-built for making product videos seamlesslyFloik.

product video with Floik

👋🏻 Say goodbye to mind-numbing busywork, hello to stellar videos

With the vision of empowering marketing, sales, product, and customer service teams, we painstakingly crafted Floik. The aim? To simplify the process of creating top-notch product videos without the protracted process often associated with it.

We asked those video editors what they spend 90% of their time on. Their feedback was illuminating, and they revealed these three primary activities👇🏻

  • Cropping the top browser panel to show only the most relevant information.
  • Blurring sensitive or confidential details to ensure security of personal information.
  • Adding click mark animations to guide users through the product.

We had our work cut out for us after this conclusive research.

Today, we’re delighted to show you all the innovative features we’ve implemented in Floik, to make it a one-stop-solution for all your video creation and editing needs.

1. Crop your video

Don’t want to show the top browser panel of your screen? No problem.

Use our crop feature to clean up your video and show only the most relevant information. Bonus, you can hide all the chaos in your browser and make it look like you're a focused genius with only one tab open. 😉

2. Blur any information

You want to showcase your product in action, but some things need to stay under wraps because they’re confidential.

If you’re recording your screen using Loom, iMovie, or any other screen recorders, there’s no easy way of hiding these details. You have to wait for one of the video editors on your team to take your request and blur necessary sections. Not anymore.

With Floik, blurring any details on your screen is a cakewalk.

You can blur any text or image and the final output will not display any blurred information. Note that all of this happens before you start recording, which means not even our team has access to any sensitive information. 🤯

Here’s how it works:

3. Add click mark animations

You can spend hours manually adding click animations to your videos so that users know where to click on your product. Or, you can record videos with Floik to automatically add highlighted click marks and guide users through your product.

Sit back, relax, and enjoy that cup of coffee a little longer! See Floik’s click marks in action here:

💡Editing videos has never been easier…seriously

On top of these three key capabilities, Floik also lets you edit videos effortlessly. Instead of running back to your video editors, you can take charge and fine-tune your videos with our intuitive editor.

Here’s a glimpse of more features you can try to bring your creative vision to life:

  • Add captions: We know many people watch content on mute—we’re one of them. So, you can add captions to your videos to make them more accessible and easily consumable for all kinds of viewers.
  • Tell viewers what next: Don't leave your audience hanging! With Floik, you can create a custom CTA box that tells viewers the next steps to take. Add your own copy and redirect them with a link. It's all about keeping the momentum going.

Add custom CTA

  • Meet them where they are: We know you want to distribute all these product videos on your website, YouTube, LinkedIn, email, and more channels to deliver a coherent brand message. Now, you can download all the content created on Floik and upload it on any channel.

download a flo

Make the most of video marketing for your B2B SaaS

With a powerful visual content creation platform like Floik, you can break free from tedious video production workflows and get things done quickly. Record your screen, refine your recording, and download or embed the final output to reel in your audience—only business, no distractions.