Unlock Success: The Vital Role of Product Enablement

Shreelekha Singh
January 24, 2024
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Have you ever felt like you're in a culinary showdown, armed with all the fancy kitchen gadgets but struggling to whip up a Michelin-star meal? That's often what diving into the world of product enablement feels like. 

You've got the tools, the team, and the ambition, but connecting these dots to create something remarkable can be a head-scratcher. This is where the magic of product enablement comes into play. 

It's not just about having the best tools in your arsenal; it's about knowing how to use them effectively to delight customers and outshine competitors. 

In this journey, we'll unpack the secrets of product enablement, transforming you from a kitchen rookie to a culinary maestro in the business world. Let's turn those raw ingredients into a recipe for success, shall we?


What is product enablement?

Product enablement is a strategic approach that equips various stakeholders with the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to effectively use, sell, and support a product. It ensures everyone who interacts with the product, both internally and externally, understands its value proposition and can leverage its full potential.

For instance, You’ve just got your hands on a brand-new smartphone. It’s sleek, it’s shiny, but navigating its features feels like exploring uncharted territory. That’s where product enablement comes in – your personal tech guru in your pocket. It’s like having a friend who knows all the ins and outs of your device, ready to share their knowledge whenever you need it. With product enablement, you’re not just using your smartphone – you’re unlocking its full potential, one clever tip at a time.

Crucially, it fosters a collaborative environment where feedback from these teams informs product development, creating a cycle of continuous improvement and alignment with market needs.

The 4 Ps of product enablement

The 4 Ps of product enablement encompass Product, Preparation, Process, and Performance. 

  • “Product” refers to an in-depth understanding of the product itself - its features, benefits, and usage. 
  • "Preparation" involves equipping teams with the necessary training and resources to effectively engage with the product. 
  • "Process" focuses on establishing clear methods and strategies for how the product is presented and sold to customers.
  • "Performance" measures the impact and effectiveness of these efforts, guiding continuous improvement. 

This framework ensures that teams are not just aware of the product but are adept in positioning it strategically in the market, thereby enhancing overall business performance.

Components of product enablement

Now that we've unpacked the what of product enablement, let's dive into the toolbox. Here's what companies use to turn confused customers into product ninjas. Product enablement is all about empowering people to get the most out of a product, and it works by providing a few key things:

  • Knowledge and education: This can be anything from user manuals and cheat sheets to interactive tutorials and video guides. Basically, anything that helps people understand the product's features and functionalities. Forget clunky user manuals. Floik provides pre-built templates and AI-powered tools to create dynamic demos and engaging knowledge bases in minutes. Think interactive walkthroughs, bite-sized demos in nurturing emails, and product showcases that seamlessly integrate with your content.
  • Support and guidance: Sometimes people get stuck, so product enablement offers resources like FAQs, troubleshooting guides, or even live chat support to help users overcome any hurdles. Floik lets you build a self-serve product in minutes. Users can find answers and troubleshoot issues in seconds with an interactive help center, while personalized tooltips within the app provide ongoing guidance. 
  • Training and certification: For complex products, companies might offer training programs or even certifications to equip users with advanced product knowledge. No more scrambling to create training materials from scratch. Floik focuses on delivering impactful knowledge, not wrestling with design software.
  • User engagement strategies: Implementing strategies to keep users engaged and invested in the product, such as personalized communications, product updates, and incentives. Give website visitors a peek behind the curtain into your product without requiring sign-ups. Share snack-sized product demos directly within nurturing emails.
  • Performance tracking and analytics: Utilizing data analytics to track user behavior, identify usage patterns, and measure the effectiveness of product enablement initiatives. Create interactive walkthroughs with Floik that boost usage and adoption, while performance tracking allows you to identify areas for improvement and drive faster feature discovery.
  • Cross-functional collaboration: Collaborating across different teams within the organization, including product development, marketing, and customer support, to ensure a cohesive approach to product enablement. Floik lets you craft dynamic product experiences tailored to each prospect's needs. Think personalized tours that highlight features relevant to their challenges, keeping them hooked and excited.


One tool. Endless possibilities!

Floik simplifies product enablement, empowering you to educate buyers, accelerate feature adoption, and set your customers up for long-term success.

‍Try Floik for free today!

When and how to create a product enablement strategy?

So, you've got this amazing product ready to take the world by storm. But hold up, before you hit the big red "launch" button, it's time to think about product enablement. Product enablement is like giving your users a warm welcome and showing them around your digital home.

When to create it?

From the start

Don't wait for launch day! As your product takes shape, start crafting resources like user guides and explainer videos. Take a cue from B2B SaaS giants like Salesforce, who invest heavily in comprehensive onboarding resources right from the early stages of product development. 

Anytime there's something new

 Rolled out a shiny new feature? Whip up a quick demo to show users the ropes. For instance, HubSpot, a leading marketing automation platform, regularly updates its Knowledge Base with articles and videos to introduce users to new features and functionalities as they're released.

When users get stuck

 Hearing a lot of "huhs?" from your customer support team? That's a sign you might need a new FAQ or tutorial.  Zendesk, a customer service software provider, offers a wealth of support resources, including help center articles, community forums, and live chat support, to assist users in troubleshooting issues and finding solutions.

While building a culture of enablement

For internal alignment, ensure that all customer-facing teams, such as sales, marketing, and support, are aligned on the product's value proposition and its key features. Meanwhile, encourage internal advocates for enablement who can help drive a more integrated approach to product enablement across the organization. Intercom, the messaging masterminds, don't just build cool tools, they have internal cheerleaders called "Product Evangelists." These enthusiasts whip up workshops, craft educational materials, and are basically walking instruction manuals for their colleagues.


Steps to create it:

1. Define your audience & goals

Clearly outline what you aim to achieve with your product enablement efforts. Whether it's increasing user adoption, reducing churn, or improving customer satisfaction, setting specific goals will guide your strategy. 

  • First, identify who you're enabling - are they sales reps needing to master a specific feature, or customers who want to understand the product's full potential? 
  • Next, set clear goals. Do you want to skyrocket user adoption by 20%, or maybe become the customer satisfaction champion?

Think of your product enablement strategy as a treasure map guiding users to success. For instance, Salesforce defines clear goals for its enablement strategy, aiming to empower sales teams to effectively leverage its CRM platform to drive revenue growth.

2. Assess your product & user needs 

Begin by understanding your target audience and their needs. Conduct market research, gather user feedback, and analyze data to identify pain points and opportunities for improvement. Dropbox analyzes user behavior to identify common pain points, such as file organization issues, which informs the development of targeted educational resources and tutorials.

  • What are your product's key functionalities?
  •  What are your users' biggest pain points?
  • What are the product’s features that solve users' biggest challenges?

3. Craft a content arsenal

Build your user education arsenal! Develop a variety of resources tailored to different user personas and stages of the customer journey. Imagine user manuals that feel less like instruction booklets and more like friendly cheat sheets.

  • Develop user guides, cheat sheets, or FAQs. 
  • Create interactive tutorials or explainer videos. 
  • Design in-app guides or contextual pop-ups.

Create educational materials and resources to empower users in using your product effectively. Tailor it to different user personas and stages of the customer journey.  Slack offers a comprehensive knowledge base with detailed articles and video tutorials to help users navigate its collaboration platform efficiently.

4. Delivery and support

Make sure your amazing enablement resources are easy to find!  Host them on your website, app, or a dedicated knowledge base.  For complex products, consider offering live chat or training sessions. Remember, ongoing support is key. Establish channels like help centers, community forums, and a well-stocked knowledge base to ensure users have a reliable support system whenever they need it.

Intercom empowers their users with a comprehensive help center and a vibrant community forum where users can connect, share best practices, and get expert advice.


5. Measure and refine

Your enablement strategy should constantly evolve. Define key performance indicators (KPIs) like user engagement with your resources, feature adoption rates, and customer satisfaction scores to track your progress.  

  • Track user engagement with your enablement resources.
  • Gather feedback from users and stakeholders.
  • Continuously refine your content based on insights or feedback.

Asana regularly analyzes user engagement data and gathers feedback to refine its help documentation and tutorials, ensuring they address users' evolving needs and preferences.

Tips for product enablement

  • Keep it simple: Think clear language, bite-sized chunks, and visuals like screenshots or short videos.
  • Tailor it to your audience: Sales reps need different info than customers. Create targeted resources for each group.
  • Make it easy to find: Put your resources where users can see them, like your website, app, or within product emails.

By creating product enablement that's timely, clear, and accessible, you'll empower users to unlock the full potential of your product, leading to happier customers and a thriving business.

Product enablement vs product marketing

Product enablement and product marketing, while interconnected, serve distinct functions in a business. 

Product marketing primarily focuses on the outward-facing strategies that position a product in the market. 

It involves understanding the target audience, crafting compelling messaging, and executing marketing campaigns to promote the product. Key activities include market research, developing marketing materials, and defining the product's unique selling proposition.

In contrast, product enablement is an internal process aimed at ensuring teams within the organization, particularly sales and customer service, have the knowledge and tools needed to effectively sell and support the product. 

This includes detailed product training, creating sales guides, and providing resources that help teams understand and communicate the product's value to customers.


Benefits of product enablement- why does your product need it?

Product enablement is a comprehensive approach that ensures teams within an organization are fully prepared and equipped to handle the complexities and demands of a product. 

This strategic process is crucial in bridging the gap between product development and customer interaction.

It's not just about understanding the product, but also about effectively leveraging it in various aspects of business operations. Here are five key benefits of product enablement:

1. Enhances product marketing efficiency

A product-savvy marketing team creates targeted campaigns that resonate with the audience and accurately highlight the product's value. This knowledge enables them to craft messages that resonate strongly with the intended audience, highlighting the product's unique selling points accurately.

2. Boosts sales enablement

A key aspect of product enablement is empowering sales teams equipped with product knowledge to tailor their approach, handle objections effectively, and close deals faster. Sales enablement through product knowledge helps salespeople to communicate the value proposition more convincingly, tailor their sales approach to different customer needs, and handle objections more effectively.

3. Improves customer enablement

Customer enablement is a critical component of product enablement. It focuses on ensuring customers have the resources, support, and knowledge to utilize the product effectively. This includes providing comprehensive guides, tutorials, and customer support, which help in reducing the learning curve for new customers.  Effective customer enablement leads to reduced learning curve, higher satisfaction, and valuable customer feedback.

4. Facilitates marketing enablement

Marketing teams skilled in using various tools and strategies can create data-driven campaigns with a strong brand message. This includes training on digital marketing tools, content creation, and data analysis. This further leads in creating more effective campaigns, better targeting, and improved ROI on marketing investments. It also helps in building a consistent brand message across various channels, further strengthening the product's position in the market.

5. Supports GTM (Go-To-Market) enablement

GTM enablement ensures that all relevant teams are aligned with the launch objectives, understand the target market, and are prepared to handle the challenges of introducing the product.  GTM enablement includes planning, market research, defining target customer segments, and creating a coordinated launch strategy across different departments. Aligning teams, understanding the market, and creating a coordinated launch strategy contribute to a smoother product launch. 

In summary, product enablement plays a vital role in enhancing product marketing, sales effectiveness, customer satisfaction, marketing strategies, and successful GTM initiatives. It creates a well-informed, cohesive environment where every team contributes to and benefits from the product's success.


Wrapping up 

Product enablement is a pivotal strategy for any business seeking to optimize its product’s potential and market performance. 

It transcends basic product knowledge, fostering a comprehensive understanding across teams, which translates into effective sales, cohesive marketing, and superior customer experiences. 

This approach not only aligns internal efforts but also drives continuous product and service enhancements, ensuring the business stays competitive and responsive to market needs. 

Ultimately, product enablement is not just about empowering teams; it’s about creating a dynamic, informed environment that propels the product and the business forward.