Boost Engagement: Step-by-Step guide to create Product Tours

Shreelekha Singh
January 3, 2024
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Imagine this: you've just entered a high-tech showroom, but instead of aimlessly wandering, a friendly guide offers to show you around, highlighting the best features and hidden gems. 

That's the power of a product tour in the digital world. It's not just a feature rundown; it's a journey through what makes your product special. 

In today's fast-paced market, a product tour isn't just a nice-to-have; it's an essential tool in your arsenal. It bridges the gap between curiosity and understanding, transforming potential customers into informed enthusiasts. 

This article delves into why a well-crafted product tour can be the difference between a visitor and a loyal customer. Let's explore how this simple yet effective tool can unlock the full potential of your product and create a lasting impression on your audience.

What is a product tour?

A product tour is an interactive walkthrough that introduces users to the key features and functionalities of a software application or website. It's like a guided tour, highlighting the most important areas and demonstrating how to use them effectively.

Imagine you've just booked your dream vacation rental on Airbnb. As soon as you log in, a friendly pop-up appears, offering a quick product tour. This tour might highlight features like messaging your host, managing your reservation details, and discovering unique experiences offered by the city. It's a captivating introduction that sets you up for a smooth and enjoyable Airbnb experience.

Why your SaaS needs and interactive product tour

Product tours, including interactive tours and guided walkthroughs, are more than just a user manual; they're a strategic tool in enhancing user experience and engagement. Here's why they are essential:

1. Accelerates user proficiency: Unlike traditional manuals, product tours provide hands-on learning. This interactive approach helps users become proficient more quickly, as they learn by doing rather than just reading or watching.

2. Reduces support workload: By offering guided tours, you preemptively answer many common questions, reducing the burden on your customer support team. Users can self-solve basic issues, leading to a more efficient support process.

3. Personalizes the user experience: Modern product walkthroughs can be customized to user needs and preferences. This personalization makes the learning process more relevant and engaging, enhancing user satisfaction.

4. Increases feature adoption: A well-designed product tour can highlight lesser-known features, encouraging users to explore and adopt more of what your product offers, thus maximizing its value.

5. Builds user confidence and trust: Guided walkthroughs help users feel more confident in using the product. This confidence translates into trust, not just in the product but in the brand as a whole.

6. Facilitates smoother onboarding for complex products: For products with steep learning curves, product tours can make the onboarding process much smoother, preventing users from feeling overwhelmed and improving their overall experience.

Types of product tours

After decoding the product tours and its importance, let's explore some popular types and see how real brands use them to captivate users:

1. Interactive overlays: An interactive product overlay is a user interface element that appears on top of the existing product interface, providing contextual guidance and instructions. These overlays appear during user navigation, highlighting key features and providing quick instructions.  They're like friendly nudges, ensuring users don't miss valuable tools.

For instance: Canva, a popular design platform, uses interactive overlays to introduce new features or showcase lesser-known functionalities. A subtle pop-up might appear when you hover over a specific design element, offering a quick tip or tutorial on how to use it effectively.

2. Guided walkthroughs:  Imagine a step-by-step journey led by a virtual expert.  Guided walkthroughs take users on a pre-defined path, highlighting key features and demonstrating their functionalities in a specific sequence.  It's a structured approach ideal for introducing core functionalities or showcasing a specific workflow.

For example: Duolingo, the language learning app utilizes guided walkthroughs when users first sign up. The walkthrough might showcase features like setting daily learning goals, choosing a learning path, and practicing speaking exercises. This structured tour equips new users with the essential knowledge to confidently embark on their language learning adventure.

3. Onboarding: Progressive onboarding allows users to select specific areas of interest based on their needs. This personalized approach caters to diverse user goals and avoids overwhelming users with unnecessary information.

For example: Slack,a popular communication platform, offers a progressive onboarding experience. Upon signup, users can choose a tour based on their role (e.g., project manager, marketing team member) 

4. Tooltips: These are like tiny informational billboards that appear when you hover over a specific element.  Tooltips offer concise explanations and instructions, providing quick access to need-to-know information without interrupting the user flow.

For instance: Netflix - As you browse through Netflix's extensive library, hovering over a movie title might reveal a tooltip with details like genre, cast, and critical reception. These bite-sized information nuggets empower users to make informed viewing choices without needing to navigate away from the browsing experience.

By deploying the right type of product tour, companies can create a captivating and personalized onboarding experience that empowers users and fosters long-term engagement.  So, the next time you encounter a product tour, embrace it as your friendly guide, ready to unlock the full potential of the digital world you're exploring!

Create product tours step-by-step

Here's a 5-step guide to crafting captivating product tours that transform users into product ninjas:

1. Map the user journey

Think of your product tour as a personalized training map. Identify your target audience (new users, existing users needing a refresher?) and tailor the tour to their specific needs and pain points. Clearly define the purpose of your tour - are you showcasing a specific new feature (like a social listening tool), or guiding users through the onboarding process?  By pinpointing these areas, your tour can act as a guide illuminating knowledge gaps and paving the way to product mastery.

  • Are you showcasing new features, onboarding new users, or highlighting key benefits?
  • Identify your target audience and tailor your tour to their needs, preferences, and pain points. 

Spotify curates personalized playlists tailored to each listener's journey, your product tour should adapt to the unique path of every user, guiding them towards solutions.

2. Craft your content

Craft the content that will turn your users into product champions. Imagine captivating narratives that guide users through the product, not a snooze-fest of technical jargon. Canva, the design platform, uses short animated tours with friendly voiceovers to showcase new design tools and inspire users to experiment with different features. 

  • Keep it concise, clear, and engaging. 
  • Don't forget eye-catching visuals! Use clear screenshots, interactive elements, and even short explainer videos to break down complex concepts and keep users engaged. 

3. Test and iterate

Before unleashing your masterpiece on the world, put it through its paces. Test your product tour across different devices and platforms (desktop, mobile) to ensure a seamless experience. Gather feedback from beta testers and stakeholders. This can be anything from surveys after users complete the tour to in-depth interviews.

  • Launch on beta platforms and testers
  • Gather insights and feedback form users
  • Revise and implement corrective actions

Use these insights to iterate and polish your tour, smoothing over any rough edges and ensuring a truly captivating experience. Salesforce, the CRM giant, utilizes a beta testing program where they gather feedback from customer support teams on new product tour features, ensuring they address common user pain points effectively.

 4. Measure and adapt

The continuous improvement for product tour mastery should never end. Gather user feedback through surveys and in-app prompts. HubSpot, the marketing automation platform, A/B tests different tour variations to see which ones resonate most with their target audience.  

  • Track key metrics like tour completion rates and user engagement to identify areas for improvement.

 By continuously measuring and adapting, your product tours will refine and increase user engagement by leaps and bounds.

5. Seamless sharing and support 

Once your tour is ready for its close-up, make it easily accessible! Embed your product tour directly on your website, knowledge base, or learning management system. Consider adding built-in search functionalities within your tour. This empowers users to find answers independently, transforming them into self-sufficient explorers within your product. Draw inspiration from Airbnb's immersive travel experiences, where users can embark on virtual journeys.

Tips to craft an effective product tour

Creating an effective product tour requires thoughtful planning and execution. Here are some key points to consider:

1. Identify key features to showcase

Begin by determining which features of your product are most essential for new users to understand. Focus on those that deliver immediate value or solve common problems. 

This targeted approach in your product tours ensures users quickly grasp the core benefits of your product.

2. Make it interactive 

An interactive product tour engages users more effectively than a passive tutorial. Encourage users to interact with features during the tour, enhancing their understanding and retention. This interactivity can be facilitated using product walkthrough software.

Use a product walkthrough software like Floik to create an interactive demo in minutes. You can simply record your product in action and add hotspots to guide users through different capabilities. 

With Floik, you can:

  • Add AI voiceover in 20+ languages to reach a global audience
  • Create your brand to customize the look and feel of your demo
  • Crop or trim any part of your draft to polish up the showcase
  • Apply the pan-and-zoom effect to focus on crucial details 

Besides, you can also convert a product tour into an explainer video or a step-by-step guide in just a click! 

3. Keep it concise and focused 

Users can easily get overwhelmed with too much information. Keep your guided tours brief and focused on the essentials. A concise, well-structured tour respects the user's time and maintains their interest throughout.

4. Customize the experience 

Tailor the product tour to meet different user needs. Not all users are the same, so offering customizable guided walkthroughs can significantly improve the user experience. 

This can include varying the depth of information based on user expertise or allowing users to choose specific aspects of the product they want to explore.

5. Leverage gamification elements

Inject an element of fun into the learning process by gamifying your product enablement efforts. Whether it's through quizzes, challenges, or rewards, gamification can incentivize user participation and make learning feel like less of a chore.

Incorporate gamification elements into your product tour to enhance user engagement and motivation. This fosters a sense of accomplishment and encouraging further exploration of your product's features.

6. Incorporate feedback mechanisms 

Include opportunities for users to give feedback during or after the tour. This input is invaluable for improving future iterations of your product tours. Understanding user reactions and questions helps refine the tour's effectiveness.

Floik: Interactive tours for boosted user engagement

Static product descriptions? Take a Pause.  Floik's AI-powered tool lets you create interactive product tours in minutes. Boost Engagement with Floik:

  • Interactive elements: Keep users engaged with tooltips and CTAs.
  • Personalized experiences: Tailor tours to specific user segments.
  • Frictionless access: Embed tours directly within your product.

Unlocks user potential with engaging product tours. Try it for free!

Wrapping up

Product tours are a crucial element in bridging the gap between user expectations and product functionality. By offering a hands-on, interactive guide, you can enhance the user experience and foster confidence in your product. 

Think of these guided tours as your user's first, best friend in a new environment—guiding, teaching, and engaging them right from the start. 

So, when it comes to making your product stand out, remember that a well-crafted product tour can be the difference between a one-time visitor and a loyal user.