Presales 101: Why Every SaaS Business Needs a Presales Process

Shreelekha Singh
January 1, 2024
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In an ideal world, every potential customer instantly sees the value in your product. But in reality, SaaS teams struggle to convince prospective buyers how their solution can tackle all pain points.

The gap between a great product and a successful sale often lies in the overlooked stage of 'presales'. This crucial phase is the key to unlocking customer interest and trust. 

Presales isn't just about presenting your product to a potential buyer; it's about deeply understanding customer needs and crafting solutions that resonate with them. We’ll break down the concept in this article and explain why you need to build a presales strategy.

What is presales?

Presales in the SaaS (Software as a Service) context is the process where teams engage with potential customers before a sale is made, focusing on understanding their needs, demonstrating how the software solves specific problems, and building a foundation for a successful long-term customer relationship. 

The presales stage aims to establish the software's value and fit for the customer's unique requirements through:

  • Product demos
  • Tailored presentations
  • Solution-based consultations 

A good presales strategy can shorten your sales cycle and make a seamless transition to sales. You’ll also find various customer insights for your product team and set the stage for a lasting partnership. 

When is the right time to plan for pre-sales activities?

Pre-sales activities lay the groundwork for smooth sailing and successful deals. But timing these activities is crucial. Start too early, and your efforts might be forgotten. Start too late, and you miss the chance to build rapport and address concerns. So, when is the ideal time to plan your pre-sales activities?

Here's a breakdown to help you find the strategic timing & planning:

Early planning (6+ months before launch): While the product is still in the early stages of development, pre-sales can collaborate with product teams to gather customer feedback and ensure the final product aligns with market needs. Early planning allows for course correction in product development based on pre-sales insights.

  • Conduct competitor analysis, identify target customer segments, and outline potential pain points they face.
  • Before launching the Cybertruck, Tesla held private events and solicited feedback from potential customers on the vehicle's design and functionality. 

Mid-stage planning (3-6 months before launch): Building early awareness positions your product as a solution even before launch. Pre-sales planning can coincide with market research and validation efforts. As you gather insights into customer preferences, pain points, and purchase behavior, you can simultaneously devise pre-sales strategies to capitalize on identified opportunities and mitigate potential challenges.

  • Develop targeted content (blogs, webinars, white papers) that educates potential customers about the upcoming product and its benefits.
  • Identify key features and functionalities, and craft compelling messaging that resonates with your audience.
  • Adobe releases sneak peeks, tutorials, and beta testing opportunities. This content educates potential customers about new features and generates excitement.

Pre-launch planning (1-3 months before launch):  Pre-sales activities should be well underway before your product or service is officially launched. This includes building anticipation, generating buzz, and priming your audience for the upcoming release. By starting early, you can maximize the momentum and excitement leading up to the launch date. Ramp up marketing efforts to generate leads and interest in the upcoming product.

  • Plan targeted campaigns (email marketing, social media) and prepare pre-registration/waitlist options.
  • Builds excitement and position your product as highly anticipated.
  • Months before a new console release, Sony unveils teasers, trailers, and pre-order options. This strategy creates a sense of anticipation and drives pre-orders.

Launch and beyond: Equip your sales team with in-depth product knowledge, competitive intelligence, and effective sales pitches.Pre-sales empowers the sales team to close deals faster and overcome customer objections more effectively.

  • Develop demo scripts, conduct product training sessions
  • Provide sales collateral highlighting customer testimonials.
  • Salesforce offers a robust pre-sales program that equips their salesforce with deep product knowledge, industry expertise, and customer case studies. This enables them to tailor solutions to specific customer needs.

Presales vs. Sales: How these two strategies differ

Understanding the differences between presales and sales is crucial to appreciate how both roles, while distinct, complement each other in driving business growth and customer satisfaction. 

Let’s break down the key differences between presales and sales 👇🏻

Scope of interaction

Presales professionals often engage with potential clients in the discovery phase. They delve into understanding the client's challenges and requirements. 

In contrast, sales personnel typically enter the picture when it's time to discuss terms, pricing, and closing the deal. Their interaction is more transactional, focusing on converting interest into a sale.

Technical expertise vs. negotiation skills 

Presales team members are usually more technically inclined. They have a deep understanding of the product's capabilities and how it can be applied to solve specific problems. 

Sales teams, however, excel in negotiation and persuasion. They are adept at navigating pricing discussions, handling objections, and steering conversations toward a sale.

Solution customization vs. deal customization

In presales, the focus is on customizing solutions to fit the client's needs. This might involve tailored demonstrations or specific use-case scenarios. 

Sales, on the other hand, often involves customizing the deal itself – negotiating terms, discounts, and payment plans to suit the client's budget and purchasing process.

Educational vs. persuasive approach

Presales is more about educating the potential client about the product, often involving detailed explanations, product demos, and answering technical queries. 

Sales is inherently more persuasive, focusing on convincing the client of the product's value and the benefits of purchasing it.

Relationship initiation vs. relationship closure

Presales is where the initial relationship with a potential customer is built. It sets the tone for the client’s perception of the product and company. 

Sales activities, in contrast, are geared towards finalizing and closing the relationship in terms of a business transaction.

Importance of pre-sales for SaaS

The role of presales in SaaS is like that of a skilled architect who not only designs a building but also ensures it fits perfectly into its future environment. Here are six main reasons why you should build a presales strategy 👇🏻

✌🏻Bridging product and customer needs

Presales is the crucial link that connects what a SaaS product offers with what the customer actually needs. 

A good presales process involves deeply understanding customer problems and translating them into specific software solutions. In this process, the presales team demonstrates how each feature addresses a real-world problem the customer is facing. 

For instance, if a customer is struggling with inefficient workflow management, the presales team illustrates how the product’s workflow automation and integration capabilities can streamline their processes, thereby saving time and reducing errors.

🎁 Customized demonstrations

In SaaS, one size does not fit all. Presales teams craft tailored demos that show how the software addresses the unique challenges of each potential customer. 

This might involve creating scenarios or use-cases that mirror the customer’s daily operations, making the software's benefits tangible and relatable. Salesforce offers customized demos showcasing how its CRM platform can enhance sales and marketing processes based on each customer's industry and requirements.

Create customised solutions for users with Floik

Floik empowers you to craft interactive product demos tailored to each prospect's unique needs. With Floik, you can create:

  1. Interactive Product Tours on Your Website: Use Floik to create interactive product tours embedded on your website, allowing prospects to explore your product features and benefits without signing up.
  2. Add Product Showcases to Your Content: Enhance your content strategy by incorporating product showcases created with Floik, offering engaging visuals and demonstrations that resonate with your target audience.
  3. Let Users Try Product Demos in Paid Ads: Increase the effectiveness of your paid advertising campaigns by directing users to interactive product demos created using Floik, encouraging them to experience your product firsthand.
  4. Create an Immersive Experience Online: Leverage Floik to build immersive online experiences, such as virtual product demonstrations or interactive tutorials, to captivate prospects and guide them through the buying journey.

Don't settle for generic demos. Floik unlocks the power of customization for a winning sales strategy.

👨🏻‍💻 Technical expertise and consultation

Presales teams provide technical insights and consultation to integrate the software seamlessly. They can advise on:

  • Implementation best practices
  • Discuss potential integration challenges and solutions
  • Suggest ways to optimize workflows using the product

Microsoft Azure's presales experts advise clients on cloud migration strategies and offer insights into optimizing workflows using Azure services.

🚀 Feedback loop to product development 

The insights gathered during presales interactions are gold mines for product development. Insights gathered in presales inform product development, leading to better market fit and higher satisfaction. As the product evolves based on customer input, it becomes more attuned to the market's needs, leading to:

  • Higher customer satisfaction
  • Better market fit
  • Increased sales

Slack incorporates feedback from presales interactions to enhance collaboration features and user experience continually.

💸 Reducing sales cycle time 

By addressing potential concerns and questions upfront, presales can significantly shorten the sales cycle. This proactive approach in the presales stage ensures that customers are well-informed about the product's capabilities, its fit with their needs, and how it addresses specific challenges they face. 

Zoom's presales efforts include demonstrating the platform's reliability and security features, expediting decision-making for businesses transitioning to remote work.

🫶🏻 Establishing long-term relationships

Finally, the role of presales in SaaS goes beyond just making a sale. It's about building a foundation for long-term relationships. 

When customers see that a company is invested in understanding their specific needs and offers solutions tailored to these needs, it fosters a sense of trust and partnership. This is particularly important in the SaaS sector, where customer relationships are ongoing and often involve continuous engagement post-sale for support, updates, and renewals.

Decoding pre-sales process step-by-step

Now that we’ve understood the importance of pre-sales, lets dive into the step-by-step detailed process of pre-sales activities.

1. Prospecting and lead generation

Before undertaking any pre-sales activity, it is important to create a clear picture of your ideal customer based on demographics, industry, and pain points. You have to identify high-potential leads that are a good fit for your product. For this, you can develop interactive quizzes or assessments to help leads self-qualify based on their specific needs and challenges.

  • Use data analytics to identify high-potential leads based on engagement with your content or website.
  • Implement lead scoring based on criteria like company size, industry, budget, and purchase timeline to prioritize high-quality leads.
  • HubSpot offers free marketing and sales resources like eBooks and webinars, attracting potential leads interested in improving their inbound marketing strategies.

2. Initial contact and discovery

The next step is to get in touch with your leads. This will act as a stepping stone for building rapport, trust and long-term relationships. Moreover, it will lead to customer loyalty and further increase the rate of customer retention, if successfully established. 

  • Offer personalized video messages or LinkedIn voice notes to introduce yourself and establish a human connection with prospects.
  • Conduct thorough interviews with the prospect to uncover their goals, frustrations, and buying journey.
  • Actively listen and ask insightful questions to determine the right solution for their specific situation.
  • Drift's conversational marketing platform enables sales reps to engage with leads in real-time through personalized chat messages, facilitating initial contact and discovery.

3. Solution presentation and demo

This stage showcases how your product or service can address the prospect's needs identified during discovery. Outline key talking points, showcasing features, and addressing common objections. Anticipate questions and have answers prepared. This is a crucial stage as it will determine the customer’s decision based on your demo.

  • Rehearse your demo beforehand to ensure a smooth and confident presentation. Time yourself to stay within the allotted timeframe.
  • Double-check all your equipment and software to avoid technical glitches during the demo.
  • Include data points, success stories, or testimonials that showcase the effectiveness of your solution for similar businesses.

4. Feedback and follow-up

 Ask the prospect for feedback on the demo and your solution to identify areas for improvement. Since this is a part of pre-sales activity, you still have chance to customize the solution as per user’s needs. This helps to ensure a seamless handover from pre-sales to sales teams, providing all necessary information and context to facilitate closing the deal.

  •  Thank the prospect for their time and reiterate the key points discussed in the demo. Include a link to any relevant resources or materials mentioned.
  •  Discuss the next steps in the buying process, whether it's a follow-up call, proposal presentation, or negotiation.
  • Schedule regular follow-up meetings or check-ins to gather feedback, address concerns, and ensure customer satisfaction post-implementation.

Wrapping up

It's clear that presales in SaaS isn't just a preliminary step; it's a game-changer. Think of it as the secret sauce that spices up the entire sales recipe. 

By aligning customer needs with software solutions, presales sets the stage for meaningful relationships and successful deals. It's not just about selling a product; it's about crafting solutions that resonate, build trust, and drive growth. 

So, as we delve into the world of SaaS, let's remember: the real magic begins even before the first sale is made. Here's to mastering the art of presales!