10 Must-Ask Sales Discovery Call Questions for Success

Shreelekha Singh
September 15, 2023
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Your SaaS product may be a game-changer, but without the right strategy, it could end up lost in the shuffle. Success in the SaaS landscape hinges on asking the right questions — and that's where sales discovery comes into play. 

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the nuanced art of creating the right sales discovery questions and influencing your prospects. 

Whether you are a veteran looking to refine your technique or a newcomer keen to master the basics, this article is a must-read. So, arm yourself with a notepad and let's embark on a journey to unleash your full SaaS sales potential!

Top 10 sales discovery questions to ask in your next call

Let’s break down the 10 most important questions to learn more about your prospects and seal the deal:

1. What challenges are you currently facing in your business/department?

SaaS solutions often address specific operational, technical, or business challenges. By pinpointing the exact issues the prospect is facing, you can align your software's features and benefits to directly address and resolve these challenges.

2. What goals or objectives are you aiming to achieve this year/quarter?

SaaS platforms often offer analytics and metrics-driven results. By understanding the prospect's goals, you can showcase how your software's analytics and reporting features can help them track and achieve those objectives.

3. How have you addressed these challenges in the past?

Knowing their past solutions can highlight potential integrations or migrations your software might need to support. It also allows you to differentiate your SaaS offering by emphasizing advancements, automation, or unique features they haven't experienced before.

4. What's the decision-making process like for a solution like ours?

SaaS purchases often involve IT, end-users, and management. Understanding the decision-making process helps you tailor your pitch to address the concerns and interests of each stakeholder, ensuring smoother buy-in at all levels.

5. What would success look like for you with our solution?

SaaS solutions often impact multiple facets of a business. By defining success, you can set up custom demos, trials, or pilot programs that highlight those specific outcomes, ensuring the prospect sees the direct value of your software.

6. Are there any budget constraints we should be aware of?

SaaS models often come with various pricing tiers, add-ons, or customizable features. Knowing their budget helps you tailor a package that maximizes value for their investment without overburdening their financial resources.

7. Who else should be involved in this conversation?

SaaS implementations can impact various departments, from IT to HR. Identifying all relevant parties ensures that the software meets the needs of the entire organization and that training and onboarding processes are comprehensive.

8. How do you currently measure success in this area?

If they're using legacy systems or manual methods, your SaaS can often introduce more efficient, automated, and accurate ways to measure success. Highlighting these improvements can be a key selling point.

9. What's your timeline for implementing a new solution?

Implementation and onboarding times vary among SaaS products. Knowing their timeline helps you set realistic expectations and can also be a deciding factor if your software offers quicker setup and integration compared to competitors.

10. Are there any upcoming events or changes that might impact this decision?

Events like audits, regulatory changes, or major business milestones can influence the urgency and requirements of a SaaS purchase. Being aware allows you to tailor your solution and support to meet these specific needs.

Close deals like a pro with a stellar discovery call

With the knowledge and insights gained from this guide, you can ask impactful questions to uncover your prospects' pain points, tailor your solutions to their specific needs, and, ultimately unlock your SaaS sales potential. 

Remember, the journey doesn’t end here. Continuous improvement and adaptability are key to staying ahead in the ever-evolving SaaS landscape. Keep honing your skills, stay curious, and never stop asking the right questions!